Crested Gecko Care Manual: Expert Tips for a Healthy Gecko

Crested Geckos, scientifically known as Correlophus ciliatus, are native to New Caledonia and are an arboreal species of gecko found primarily on the islands of Grande Terre and Isle of Pines. These unique reptiles are named for their distinctive eyelash-like crests, which also contribute to their endearing appearance.

Once believed to be extinct, crested geckos were rediscovered in 1994 after a tropical storm revealed their thriving populations. Today, they are not only found in the wild but also make popular pets in the pet trade. These geckos are omnivorous, favoring a diet of fruit with the occasional insect prey, and are crepuscular, being most active during dawn and dusk.

Adult crested geckos typically measure about 8 inches in length and weigh between 35-45 grams. They reach sexual maturity in 15-18 months and can live for 15-20 years. Their coloration, which ranges from light tan to dark brown, can change, a process known as ‘firing up,’ making their colors more vibrant when they are excited.

Fun facts about crested geckos include their lack of eyelids, which they compensate for by licking their eyes to keep them clean and moist. They can also scale vertical surfaces thanks to millions of tiny ‘hairs’ called setae on their toe pads, and they possess small claws for additional climbing assistance. Crested geckos have a semi-prehensile tail that aids in climbing and leaping, with the same setae found at the tail’s tip. It’s important to note that if a crested gecko loses its tail, it will not regrow.

The Crested Gecko Care Manual includes a comprehensive guide covering:

– Shopping List

– Terrarium Size Guidelines

– Substrate Options

– Optimal Temperatures & Humidity

– Terrarium Decorating Ideas

– Food

– Handling Tips

– Health & Illnesses

– References

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