Understanding how to properly feed your bearded dragon can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time owners. This guide aims to answer all your questions regarding feeding frequency and diet, regardless of your bearded dragon’s age.
**Bearded Dragon Feeding Chart by Age**: A handy guide to remember important feeding information.
**Adult Bearded Dragons Feeding Frequency**: Adult bearded dragons, those older than 18 months, should be fed once a day.
**Crickets for Adult Bearded Dragons**: An adult bearded dragon, which has reached full sexual maturity around 18 months, should have a diet comprising around 20% protein and the rest fresh salad. They should eat around 10 crickets per day or 20 crickets every other day.
**Mealworms for Bearded Dragons**: Although some vets or inexperienced owners may advocate for mealworms, they are not ideal for bearded dragons due to their hard exoskeleton, which can cause digestive issues like impaction, and their low nutritional value. Opt for alternatives like crickets, Dubias, or Super Worms.
**Super Worms for Bearded Dragons**: Super worms are rich in protein, so you don’t need to feed too many to your adult bearded dragon. Aim to feed around 7 to 10 super worms on an every other day basis.
**Baby Bearded Dragons Feeding Frequency**: Baby bearded dragons need to eat more frequently than adults.
**Crickets for Baby Bearded Dragons**: The number of crickets to feed a baby bearded dragon varies based on their age and size.
**Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food**: Bearded dragons can go without food for a short period, but overfeeding is a concern.
**Daily Feeding for Bearded Dragons**: Bearded dragons do not necessarily need to eat every day, but consistency is key.
**Best Food for Bearded Dragons**: The best food for a bearded dragon includes a variety of insects and vegetables.
**Dubia Roaches for Bearded Dragons**: The number of Dubia roaches to feed a bearded dragon depends on their size and age.
**Vegetables Bearded Dragons Can Eat**: Bearded dragons can eat a variety of vegetables, which are an essential part of their diet.
**Vegetables Bearded Dragons Can’t Eat**: There are certain foods that should never be fed to a bearded dragon.
**Wrapping Up Bearded Dragon Feeding**: This guide provides a comprehensive look at how often and what to feed your bearded dragon for optimal health and growth.
Understanding the feeding needs of baby bearded dragons is crucial for their. Much like human babies, they require multiple meals throughout the day. For bearded dragons under 3 months, it is recommended to feed them 5 times a day. As they grow from 3 to 6 months, this frequency can be reduced to 3-4 times a day, and by six months, they should be fed 3 times a day. By the time they approach a year of age, this can be further reduced to 2 times a day.
Personal experience has shown that underfeeding can lead to stunted growth, so it’s essential to adjust feeding habits accordingly. Around 12 months of age, be prepared to incorporate more vegetables into their diet, aiming for a ratio of 70% vegetables to 30% protein. The staple diet for baby bearded dragons includes crickets, dusted calcium, and multi-vitamin supplements. Controversy exists regarding the number of crickets to feed. Some owners allow babies to eat as much as they want in 5-10 minute intervals 3-5 times a day, while others cap their intake at around 50 crickets a day, with some flexibility. The majority recommendation is to feed babies under 3 months as many crickets as they’ll eat in 5-10 minute increments 5 times a day, reducing to 4 times a day for 3 to 12 months old, then 3 times a day, and eventually 2 times a day by the time they reach 12 months. The duration a bearded dragon can go without eating varies based on health, and a comprehensive post on this topic is available for further reading. Overfeeding can lead to obesity in bearded dragons, which is a serious concern for adult health. Obesity typically results from a diet rich in insects and low in vegetables. For bearded dragons 12 months and older, greens should be a part of their daily diet. Uneaten vegetables should be removed after 20-30 minutes to prevent mold and bacteria growth in their enclosure. Although bearded dragons do not absolutely need to eat every day, it is recommended to maintain a daily feeding schedule.What is the best thing to feed a bearded dragon? Dubia roaches are truly the best source of protein for bearded dragons. There is no better option in terms of protein than Dubia roaches. Dubias are easy to digest, rich in protein, and safer than crickets which can carry parasites. You could also feed Phoenix worms which are very rich in calcium and you won’t need to dust them every time. However, they can be expensive. Crickets are the next best bet after Dubias and Phoenix worms, but they’re not as protein-rich and can be dirty and stinky if bred. Another feeder is mealworms, but they should not be given to dragons younger than 2 years as their hard shell is hard to digest. They should also not be a staple feeder for adult bearded dragons but rather an occasional treat. There are 9 great feeders for a protein-rich diet for bearded dragons. Do you know them all? In terms of the best vegetables, add dark leafy greens like collard, endive, dandelion, etc. to the bearded dragon diet. How many Dubia roaches to feed a bearded dragon? Baby bearded dragons 3 months old and younger should consume 10-20 Dubias three times a day until they’re 4 months old. Between 4 and 12 months of age, give them 10-15 Dubias twice daily, reducing to one feeding by the time they’re one year old. For an adult bearded dragon 18 months and older, give them 10-20 Dubias one to three times a week depending on their weight. If your bearded dragon is pregnant or underweight, boost their protein intake. If pregnant, especially increase calcium intake as egg-laying depletes calcium stores. The same goes for scrawny or underweight bearded dragons that need to be fattened up. How many crickets to feed a baby bearded dragon a day? If you can’t get Dubia roaches for your baby dragon, crickets are the next best bet. A baby 4 months and under should eat between 30 and 60 crickets a day over 3 10-minute feedings. A baby between 4 months and a year should eat between 20 and 40 crickets over 2 feedings. Once they reach a year, go down to one feeding a day of 10 to 20 crickets. PRO TIP: Dust the feeders with calcium and a multivitamin. Dust a baby bearded dragon’s food with calcium 4-5 times a week, no more than once a day and provide a multivitamin 2 to 3 times a week.
For healthy adults, dust their food three times a week and offer a multivitamin just once a week.
What vegetables can bearded dragons eat? The vegetables a bearded dragon can eat include collard greens, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, bell peppers (raw), butternut squash, carrots, cucumber (peeled), endive, okra (raw), spaghetti squash, pumpkin, and parsnips. Want a more thorough list? Check out EVERYTHING you can feed your bearded dragon in this comprehensive post! As your bearded dragon ages, switch them from a protein-heavy diet to one with more veggies. Their adult diet should be 70-80% veggies with the rest being comprised of insects. What can’t bearded dragons eat? Luckily, this one is simple. They should NOT eat MOST things. If in doubt, it’s not for them. Only feed them the foods on the relatively short and simple list of things you know to be good for them. Basically, any food that isn’t an approved feeder (crickets, Dubia Roaches, Mealworms, super worms) or an approved vegetable or fruit is not going to work. Here are just a few examples of foods to NEVER feed a bearded dragon: Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, etc.), avocado, meat (red meat, sea food, poultry, etc.), wild caught insects, spinach, lettuce (loose leaf and iceberg), onion. PRO TIP: In addition to things a bearded dragon should NEVER eat, there’s also quite a few things they can only enjoy on RARE occasions. To ensure you’re not feeding them too much of these types of food, check out our Full Bearded Dragon Diet Guide. We also have a dedicated guide on strawberries, as some owners can have (risky) misconceptions on whether their bearded dragon should eat strawberries. Wrapping Up how Often to Feed a Bearded Dragon. I sincerely hope by now you have a clear understanding of how often to feed your bearded dragon. As a bearded dragon matures, feeding them becomes extremely easy and low maintenance with just one feeding per day. And as some last-minute advice, if you’re running short on time in the morning, you can always prep your bearded dragon’s salad in advance. Sometimes I would prepare the salads almost like meal prepping for myself. It really helped cut down on time in the mornings. I’m Stacey, the owner of this website and lifelong reptile lover, caretaker, and educator. Here you will find everything from information on how to care for reptiles, to even how to give your reptiles the best fighting chances against a range of common reptile diseases and illnesses, and everything in between!