Dumeril’s Boa Care Guide: Expert Tips for Raising Acrantophis dumerili. Dumeril’s Boa (Acrantophis dumerili) is an intermediate-level pet for reptile enthusiasts. This guide was first published on July 31, 2016, and last updated on June 12, 2023.
Dumeril’s boas, native to the spiny thickets and forests of southwestern Madagascar, are ground-dwelling, ovoviviparous snakes. Unlike the Madagascar ground boa, these nocturnal constrictors are most active at night and use their powerful muscles to subdue prey quickly.
Acrantophis dumerili exhibits significant variation in adult size, with lengths ranging from 4 to 8 feet. On average, they reach about 6 feet, but some females have been known to grow up to 10 feet. They mature slowly, taking approximately 5 years to reach full adulthood, and can live between 15 to 20 years in captivity, with some individuals living even longer.
As a CITES Appendix I species, Acrantophis dumerili is categorized as Vulnerable in the wild by the IUCN. Threats include deforestation by the charcoal industry and human violence. However, Dumeril’s boas breed well in captivity and are readily available from breeders.
Dumeril’s Boa Care Manual includes the following sections:
The Dumeril’s Boa Shopping List
Terrarium Size Guidelines
Light, Heat & Humidity Requirements
Substrate Options
Decorating Your Snake’s Terrarium
How to Feed Your Dumeril’s Boa
Handling Tips
Common Diseases & Other Health Info
Additional Resources
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