The ocellated skink (Chalcides ocellatus) is a diurnal, semi-fossorial lizard native to the Mediterranean coast. Known for its adaptability and widespread habitat, it can be found around the Mediterranean Sea, western Africa, and the Arabian peninsula. It has also established itself as an invasive species in France and the United States (Florida, Arizona).
Preferring arid habitats with sandy to stony soil and sparse vegetation, ocellated skinks are characterized by their cone-shaped head, long cylindrical body, short limbs, long toes on the hind feet, a tapered tail, black eyes, and smooth, glossy scales. They typically have a bronze or tan base color with a pale belly and a pattern of black and white ocelli on the back, along with black bars traversing the lips up to the cheek.
Insects form the bulk of their diet, though they occasionally consume plant matter such as fruit. Their diet in the wild is diverse, including grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, ants, beetles, isopods, spiders, centipedes, and insect larvae.
As pets, ocellated skinks are hardy and easy to care for, requiring minimal space due to their small size. Despite not being very handleable, they exhibit lively and curious personalities, making them entertaining to observe.
Fun Facts: Ocellated skinks can ‘swim’ through sand and loose soil by undulating their bodies like fish. They are also viviparous, giving birth to live young and nurturing them via placenta pre-birth, which is rare among reptiles.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Ocellated Skinks
2. Shopping List: Supplies You Will Need
3. How to Select and Buy a Pet Ocellated Skink
4. Enclosure Size & Roommates
5. Lighting & UVB Requirements
6. Heating Requirements
7. Humidity Requirements
8. Substrate Options
9. Environmental Enrichment: Decorating the Enclosure
10. Feeding Your Ocellated Skink
11. Handling Tips & Behavioral Notes
12. General Health Guide
13. Additional Resources
Special thanks to the following breeders and experienced keepers for their contributions to this guide: Francis Cosquieri, Dave Clemens, Sarah Grannis, Garry Dorrell, and Jeff Littlejohn.
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