German Dog Tax Revenue Reaches Record High

According to foreign media reports, the dog tax in Germany has just set a new record. Data from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany shows that the dog tax generated a revenue of 421 million euros last year. Over the past decade, the tax revenue has increased by more than 40%. In Germany, the dog tax is levied by individual towns and cities, which determine the amount and conditions of the tax.

in Berlin requires an annual tax of 120 euros, while in Frankfurt, the annual tax is 102 euros. If a second dog is kept, the dog tax in Berlin will rise to 180 euros. Dogs are subject to taxation from the age of three months and must be registered with the municipal government. It is reported that the tax amount is also related to the breed of the dog. In Nuremberg, keeping a fighting dog requires an annual tax payment of up to 1056 euros.

In Frankfurt, the annual tax for each Rottweiler, American Bulldog, and Pit Bull is 900 euros. If the owner and dog pass the test, the dog tax can be reduced to 225 euros.

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